Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Video Art ( Television)
Why I choose it?
I choose this television because it is once of new media art to give and take information and know the about our country.
These medium very famous and easy to find everywhere we go in the world. Nowadays, this medium must have for everyone.
What the advantage?
The advantage is easy to attract people to see it.
Also easy to arrange by using video or still photo and we can make it look special and interesting follow our creativity.
Once of elements that I would like to share is about motion.
Motion is a movement or make something still to move.
By using television, we can give information to people very fast and easy. Because our job so simple such as we must have very suitable and interesting picture. It must same with our mission.
From that, the pictures we arrange and add some effects and lastly it must move to make it interesting to attract people to see it.
So, the conclusion is, television is one of the new media to take and give some important information easy and fast. So our country will be success same with other country.

David Cheah
David Cheah is a famous artist in multimedi
a design. He is architect and convert to mult
imedia design because disappo
inted with his study in decorative
for built his project.
He use his
knowledge in architecture to make his own product in design and
once of his product is the V.I.P. Loung
es at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia.
He was born in Kuala Lumpur and now he had stay and
working at Malaysia, Amsterdam,
and Sydney. This is because he had his own group to do
his work and it will make his duty easy and at the same time
he can spend
more time to
control the group to finish their job succes
Beside that,
his also
had his own company, David Cheah Art and Design. This company ap
pears because his always enjoy and take
easy in his live. So, he can make his life easy and happy always.
I’m admire with him because he can change most of him painting to m
ake a product such as cushion and dr
ess. He only
use his knowledge in architect and interior designer and
can make cush
ion or dress very well. I also like him becau
se he is ve
ry intelligent person. He can be a successful entrepreneur from his job
s. He is very smart person to be a successfu
l person.
His product
Why I choose it?
I choose this television because it is once of new media art to give and take information and know the about our country.
These medium very famous and easy to find everywhere we go in the world. Nowadays, this medium must have for everyone.
What the advantage?
The advantage is easy to attract people to see it.
Also easy to arrange by using video or still photo and we can make it look special and interesting follow our creativity.
Once of elements that I would like to share is about motion.
Motion is a movement or make something still to move.
By using television, we can give information to people very fast and easy. Because our job so simple such as we must have very suitable and interesting picture. It must same with our mission.
From that, the pictures we arrange and add some effects and lastly it must move to make it interesting to attract people to see it.
So, the conclusion is, television is one of the new media to take and give some important information easy and fast. So our country will be success same with other country.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
new media art and graffiti art
- New Media
‘when the first encounter with some object surprise, and we judge it to be new, or very different from what formerly knew, of from what we supposed that it ought to be, that cause us to wonder and be surprise: and because that may happen before we in any way know whether this object is agreeable to us or is not so, it appears to me that wonder is the first of all the passion: and it is has no opposites, because if the object which present itself has nothing in it that surprise us, we are nowise moved regarding it, and we consider it without passions.’
- Rene Descartes, The Passions of the Soul, article 53 -
The conclusion from this article is when we find something new we must think that will give positive or negative impact for us to depend us from any bad things.
New Media Art
The meaning of new media art is artwork created with new media technologies such as digital art, computer graphic, computer animation, virtual art, internet art, interactive, computer robotic and also biotechnologies.
New media art is different from old visual arts such as traditional painting and sculpture.
New media art also often involves interaction between artist and observer.
Computer graphic
One of new media art is computer graphic. Development of computer graphic combined with real time technologies then in the 1990’s with the spreading of the web and internet by David Rokeby.
David Rokeby was born at 1960 in Tillsonborg, Ontario. His is an artist who was making work of electronic, video and installation art since 1982. His early works Very nervous System 1982-1991 in acknowledged as a pioneering work of interactive art, translating physical gestures in real-time interactive sound environment.
Graffiti Art
Graffiti art is art form. It’s name for image or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner or property.
It may appear in the form of simple written words to calibrate wall painting.
Modern graffiti art is by using spray paint, normal paint marker have become most commonly used material.
From the negative side graffiti art look like vandalism because this art is free artwork because we can use anything in our environment such as wall, paper etc.
History of Graffiti art
Graffiti is referred to the inscription figure drawing, found on the walls of ancient sepulchers of ruins, as in the Catacombs of Rome or at Pompeii.
Graffiti art was found 30 000 BCE, that is prehistoric cave painting and pictographs using tool such as animals bones and pigment.
The prehistoric people draw on the cave wall showed scenes of animal wildlife and hunting expedition in most circumstances and also prehistoric society.
Modern Graffiti Art Artist
Once of the popular artist in graffiti art is Jean Michle basquiat. He was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1960. His father name is Hatian and his mother is Puerto Rican.
In 1977, with his best boyfriend, Al Diaz began spray painting philosophical poems on subway trains and around lower Manhattan, was signing them with the improvised logo SAMO© ( Same Old Shit ). This logo is symbol for end to mindwash religion, nowhere politics and bogus philosophy.
His art had influence to graffiti art development and was exhibited for the first time in 1980 in a show was sponsored by Colab ( Collaborative Project Incorporated).
The theme of his art is about personal experience, art history, African American History politics and pop culture.